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It all started in 2011 when founder Hannah Serimian was looking for makeup and jewelry storage for herself and her daughters. She discovered not only a lack of options, but also, the existing organizers were unattractive and poor quality. Hannah set out to create her own product that was completely unique while mindfully maintaining the highest regard for quality and aesthetic for her brand. And so, what started with a dream and a passion in her hometown of Fresno, California, has now flourished into the Boxy Girl® brand. As an industry leader, Boxy Girl® has revolutionized vanity organization solutions and daily beauty routines. Through Hannah’s own meaningful Boxy Girl® journey, she has been fortunate enough to work with many inspirational women, and strives to empower all women to live authentic and intentional lives.


In December 2017, after a three year review and application process, the United States Patent and Trademark Office granted Boxy Girl® two Design Patents. One Design Patent for the Original 4-Stack Boxy Girl® Organizer without lid, and one for the single stack Boxy Girl® organizer without lid. Holding two, prestigious U.S. Design Patents differentiates these innovative and unique Boxy Girl® organizers from all other beauty organizers on the market. The integrity of the Boxy Girl® design embodies not only the artistic aesthetic that inventors Hannah Serimian and her father Dan Chapman envisioned, but also the revolutionary way to stack a Box(y)!

When Hannah began her Boxy Girl® journey, it was important that she had a strong idea for a product she knew consumers would love, while being mindful of creating a brand that consumers would want to engage with. Having a brand that is viable requires infrastructure. This includes the Intellectual Property associated with the brand; all the visual, creative identity, and elements associated with the brand, a very clear sense of what your mission is as a brand, and a very clear sense of who your target audience is as a brand. In creating Boxy Girl®, Hannah started by acquiring all of her Intellectual Property in 2010 – website domains, social media handles, trademarks, designs, patents, and copyright.